
Hey, my love!

A warm welcome to Motunday, if you haven’t already guessed…my name is Motunde Sotuminu.

I am a 25 year old Nigerian woman living in London and working in PR.

motunde sotuminu

This is probably the fifth blog I’ve started…so clearly I love to write. I always say…”I may not be skilled at much..but one thing for sure is I do know how to string words together!”

So I’m back here again…blogging – sharing my thoughts on life, culture, what’s trending, career, relationships..and everything in between.

It’s my space…where I can give back and share a sane perspective in the midst of society’s craziness.

I would love to get to know you, and your opinions on some of the topics discussed here so do stick around!

Lots of Love

Motunday xo